My name is Patsy and the name of my
house is Sios-e! If it's a bit difficult, the way to
pronounce it is \ shos-eh \.

I'm an artist and a storyteller at heart. I
dabble on anything that tells a story. And if
you're curious, feel free to explore!

Reel - 2020 Ver.De

Cinematography Reel // Taking footages from Senior High School up to December 2020


[2021 Ver.Ju Currently in the Works]


Niche Studios 2021 Demo ReelEditor

POV Episode 1 Trailer, Facebook
POV Episode 1, Facebook

Roll the Tape Episode 3 - And Cut, Facebook



Ahoy there! I'm Patsy, a 4th-year Communication student at the University of Santo Tomas. I am a storyteller who goes through writing, theatre, and filmmaking, with extra sprinkles of painting and illustration.

My love for stories came from a childhood of reading books and watching movies. From Nancy Drew mysteries to action films from majority of the members of The Expendables, I grew up wanting to tell my own stories. Now, I'm an aspiring filmmaker practicing pointing my camera at just about anything I can see, and taking a shot.


You can find me almost anywhere! I upload the rest of my works at the #Work Tab (which includes shortcuts to my works uploaded elsewhere!!), and my Youtube channel. If breakdowns, behind-the-scenes, and close-ups are your thing, I also publish my works at my Behance portfolio, which also includes the different jotted down notes and little memos I have for each project! Just watch out for anything [Under construction] because I'll be adding to those in the future~

If you have any inquiries, feel free to shoot me a mail at [email protected], or clicking the tiny little envelope down below~ You'll also find my resume at the little arrow pointing to the right. See ya!